Let’s learn idiomatic expressions keep one’s head above water

Hello, I’m teacher Sopi.Today, we’re going to learn idiomatic expressions.It’s convenient to know that idiomatic expressions are often used in real life.Idioms are used in combination of two or more words, but they are often used differently from the actual meaning of words, so you need to organize the idiomatic meanings separately.have one’s head upIn a literal translation, “I put my head out on the water.”However, in the sense of “calm,” Keep one’s head above water is a common idiom used to describe a situation that is financially difficult or nearly bankrupt, but somehow survives or metaphorically expresses such a situation.#English idiomatic expression #English idiom #keeponesheadabovewaterHe was desperate and desperate after losing his job.그는 일자리를 잃은 후 생활고에 시달렸다.You don’t have to worry about me. I always put my head on the water.내 걱정 할 필요 없어. 난 항상 살아남을 거니까My parents have been standing on the water for years now.나의 부모님은 몇 년째 근근이 버티고 계신다.The company is getting by somehow.그 회사는 파산하지 않고 간신히 버티고 있다.There are many people who have trouble keeping their heads above the water.경제적으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 사람들이 많다.Remember the idiom “Keep one’s head above water” we learned today and use it in the right place.Sophie’s bookshelf

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